
Disposable Isolation Gown

Disposable Isolation Gown

Disposable isolation gown

A protective article used by medical personnel to avoid exposure to blood, body fluids, and other infectious materials, or to protect patients from infection. The gown is a two-way isolation that prevents both medical personnel from being infected or contaminated and prevents the patient from being infected.

Disposable Isolation Gown

The surgical gown plays a two-way protective role during the operation. First, the surgical gown establishes a barrier between the patient and the medical staff to reduce the probability of medical personnel contacting the patient’s blood or other body fluids during the surgical procedure. Second, the surgical gown can block the colonization/adhesion of the medical staff’s skin or clothing. Various bacteria on the surface are transmitted to surgical patients, effectively avoiding cross-infection of multi-drug resistant bacteria such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Therefore, the barrier function of surgical gowns is considered to be the key to reducing the risk of infection during surgery.

Disposable Surgical Gown

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