The pelvic floor physical therapy system is a therapeutic method that uses physical therapy concepts to recondition the pelvic floor muscles in a systematic, effective, and safe manner. The treatment’s purpose is to increase the strength and function of the pelvic floor muscles, as well as to relieve discomfort, weakness, and inefficiency. A qualified physical therapist accesses the muscles through the rectum or vaginal canal and manipulates them to improve their movement and endurance during the treatment. If the muscles are short and constricted, the therapist may stretch them or apply resistance to improve strength if they are weak and ineffective.

Who would benefit from the pelvic floor physical therapy system?

Pelvic floor physical therapy is indicated as a first-line treatment for many pelvic diseases. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and improve bladder and bowel control can be done by both men and women who have weak pelvic floor muscles. If a patient’s pelvic floor dysfunction is suspected to be due to a neuromuscular aetiology, a physician will send them for the therapy. Other genitourinary disorders, such as urine incontinence, faecal incontinence, bladder-emptying difficulty, and constipation, may coexist with the dysfunction, which can be caused by ageing, sickness, childbirth, surgery, or other factors.

Personal Health Advantages of Pelvic Floor Therapy System:

  • Urinary incontinence, intensity, and urgency are all symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  • Urination that hurts Bladder and bowel movements that are painful
  • Incontinence of the bowels
  • Sex that hurts or pain in the genital area
  • Endometriosis
  • Constipation
  • Symptoms of menopause
  • Vaginismus
  • Pelvic, hip, abdomen, thigh, or low back pain
  • Rectal discomfort is an unexplained ailment.
  • Endometriosis
  • Pregnancy and postpartum health
  • Interstitial cystitis is a type of cystitis that affects the bladder (IC)
  • Pregnancy-related discomfort
  • Testicular discomfort

What is the procedure for pelvic floor physical therapy?

A thorough evaluation of the patient’s medical and surgical history, as well as any medications, sexual, gynecologic, or obstetric history, is conducted. An orthopaedic examination is conducted, with special focus paid to the lumbar spine and hips, as well as gait and posture. Patients are frequently asked to stand, walk, and sit during the assessment to allow the therapist to discover any current posture or joint abnormalities impacting the pelvic floor muscles.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor Therapy System for Women:

Postpartum Therapy  :

PFPT is a type of therapy for women who have just given birth. When you push a kid through the vaginal canal, the extreme pressure can stretch and even tear pelvic floor muscles, resulting in weakness. Overstretching or tearing of the pelvic muscles causes softness and weakening. PFPT helps to strengthen these muscles, allowing them to support the bladder and uterus once again.

Abdominal / Pelvic Surgery Aftercare:

After abdominal or pelvic surgery, PFPT is also incredibly useful. It can take a long time for abdominal or pelvic floor muscles to heal properly and restore their former power after they have been severed. Scar tissue and a loss of flexibility are common side effects of surgery recovery, and PFPT can help with these difficulties. After a hysterectomy, episiotomy, colorectal surgery, or C-section, this therapy is a great option.

Incontinence Bladder Weakness:

As you become older, you may notice some bladder weakness. Rather than depending on an incontinence pad and assuming that this is a natural part of ageing, consider pelvic floor physical therapy. The pelvic muscles can be strengthened and lifted using PFPT, giving improved support for the bladder and ureters.

Pelvic floor stimulation should be used as a supplement to a thorough strengthening programme to assist in “waking up” the pelvic floor muscles.Neurostyle, a prominent medical device manufacturer based in Singapore, offers a variety of medical products, including EEG machine, Pelvic Floor Therapy System,  IOM system, Balance Training System, EMG system and more. Get in touch with us to know more.